Tuesday, July 28, 2015

OFF-TOPIC: Applying for UMID Card in SSS

For the longest time, I have been putting off going to an SSS branch to apply for an ID, as I have heard numerous horror stories from going to a branch at 5 in the morning to reach the daily quota, to waiting in line for hours and hours. 

But since I'm a simple housewife nowadays, with not much to do, but stare at my laptop all day (watching trades, not youtube hehe), I decided to finally (after 10 years of being an SSS member) apply for an ID (Also, I felt the need to have another valid ID, presenting your passport everytime you are asked for a valid ID is just weird). 

Surprisingly, applying for an ID was really really easy. First step is to print out the form found in SSS website. Second, find an SSS branch closest to you. Now this might be a little tricky, because not all branches accepts UMID application, and second some branches have quotas (like the one in Binan, Laguna). So I decided to go to the SSS Main Branch in Ayala, Makati. Also, don't forget to bring a valid ID! (The list of the valid IDs are included in the second page of the downloadable form)

I arrived around 8:30 am, surprised that there was not a lot of people in line, told the guard on duty that I was there to request for a UMID, showed by form and a valid ID, he then gave me a number in the "Generalist" line. I was number 59, and they were currently serving number 47. (On a side note, the branch was only open for 30 minutes, and they were already on their 47th customer, Amazing!). 

So I waited for around 30 minutes, after they checked my data, I was sent to the UMID line. Actually, there was no line, I was processed right after I arrived (#7 for the day). Kuya UMID took my photo (after 5 tries, I finally gave in to the no teeth, ears out photo which was not very flattering), got my fingerprints, entered my data in the system and that's it! Done! He gave me a slip, and told me that the ID will be delivered in our doorstep, after 1 to 3 months (lol). Total processing time: 45 minutes. 

Oh, and the best part? No fees! (For the first timers, no fees, but if you are going to request for a replacement, a minimal fee will be collected) 

If I had known that it will only take me 45 minutes (and could be shorter if I had just arrived earlier), I should have requested for my ID yearrrssss ago!!

So for those of you who have yet to request for their IDs. Time to request for one. :)

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